LEB in Lower Saxony eV - Werkhof Beverstedt
“Aids in Feng Shui”
In this information event, you will find out what powerful tools there are in Feng Shui and how you can use them in your own rooms.
Get to know the very effective salt-water coin method and other techniques for strengthening energy.
When and where do I use a chime or light to get the stagnant chi flowing again. Where is a good position to place a water feature or water picture? I will introduce healing stones that can specifically activate and strengthen certain living areas in Feng Shui. Where can a mirror be used helpfully and you will find out a lot more exciting information about Feng Shui aids at this event.
LEB in Lower Saxony eV - Werkhof Beverstedt
Stotel Family Center
Fredeholzweg 10
27612 Loxstedt
January 20, 2024 10:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m
Contribution: €45.00
Course number: C168
Registration takes place directly at LEB Beverstedt via email biz-beverstedt@leb.de or
by phone on 04747 873272